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The e-commerce.

Am I losing my mind? Changing welcome message & catalog


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My Store ( well still working on it ):


This is the CVS version 2.2 ( working on a php safemode server )...


I'm looking though the admin and I can't find anyway to change the store logo, colors, welcome message... Am I just losing my mind? Everything else seems to be there.. Do I have to edit the php files myself?



Please help.. I love this program.. :)



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stylesheet.css and the images/oscommerce.gif logo will give you a massive head start. If you know css, editing the style sheet is a breeze, and the styles are well defined and adhered to on every page.

Many Thanks,



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That helped,


So I do have to edit the welcome message via editing a php. Which took me awhile to find the right one to edit .. I had to search ( not finding this information anywhere on the net ).. I found it in:




Now, I'm wondering, snice I only know the english language how to I edit the other languages? Or should I just disable them alltogether?


Anybody out there made a module that will allow the editing of the welcome message and maybe changing the logo via the Admin area?


I really need to go to a tech school and learn PHP.. I would love to make modules for this Awesome program..


Thanks again


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