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Orders not appearing in admin panel


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Hi, I'm having a problem that I've seen in several Google searches and on this forum, but an answer that works for me is nowhere to be found.


When you log into admin, the orders appear with a dollar total. That's normal.


Go to the navbar and enter the orders area (where you can generate invoices) and nothing has appeared for a month. I've had a few problems with this site since it moved hosts a few months ago and it's likely something was changed a month ago that caused this... The problem is that I can't find it.


To boot, if you find the order number and do a search or plug the number into the URL bar, the order appears just fine. It just isn't generating on the orders page. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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re-check the sort order of the Order Total Modules

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Add payment method cash on delivery and add an order.


Remove cash on delivery as a payment method.


Does the order appear?

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Hi, I have the same problem. When a client is placing an order I get a confirmation e-mail and the client gets one too. The client can look at the order if he follows the link in the e-mail. But nothing in the admin area.


I tried to do the same thing as above, but it didn'tdo the trick. Any other suggestions?



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Hi, again. I just wanted to add that I can see the customers order total in the admin panel. So all orders seems to be saved correctly in the database, but it's not possible to access them in the admin section and produce invoices etc.


Any help here would be much appreciated!





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OK, I am here again...


I have now uninstalled all add ons that I have installed related to the order process.


The orders are still not showing for the customer in the order history. I have here also changed to the standard osc files just to check, but no luck.


Also, I can see the orders if I know the ordernumber in the admin section, so the orders are definitly in the database.


I am starting to get really frustrated about this issue. Please someone, help!



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I found a similar problem with my offline wamp hosted website yesterday (that I use for testing). Test orders resulted in the usual order email but orders weren't showing in the order page.


A google search led me here and I found that in the database that the MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_INSTALLED value was empty (should be set to: ot_subtotal.php;ot_tax.php;ot_shipping.php;ot_total.php).


I corrected the key and it fixed the issue (for new orders at least). Might be worth checking (plus there are a few other suggestions in the above link)

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