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using sts for product reviews


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I currently use sts templates on my html/css site only for shopping cart purposes.


recently i decided i would like to add product reviews to the bottom of the product pages by using a php include at the bottom of the page of the product reviews page like so:


<?php include("../../catalog/product_reviews_write.php?products_id=179"); ?>


Now I am currently facing 2 problems.


1) I am able to access the page however when I try to include it i receive the error:


Warning: main(../../catalog/product_reviews_write.php?products_id=179) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in


2) The sts template that is being used for that page is the same as I use in my shopping cart. therefore the entire html menu system that i insterted in the sts_template file so that the shopping cart looks consistent with the rest of my site will appear on the page that already has the html menu.


is there a way to make it a second template only for the reviews that would be pretty much blank? how do i tell sts to do this?

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I currently use sts templates on my html/css site only for shopping cart purposes.


recently i decided i would like to add product reviews to the bottom of the product pages by using a php include at the bottom of the page of the product reviews page like so:


<?php include("../../catalog/product_reviews_write.php?products_id=179"); ?>


Now I am currently facing 2 problems.


1) I am able to access the page however when I try to include it i receive the error:




2) The sts template that is being used for that page is the same as I use in my shopping cart. therefore the entire html menu system that i insterted in the sts_template file so that the shopping cart looks consistent with the rest of my site will appear on the page that already has the html menu.


is there a way to make it a second template only for the reviews that would be pretty much blank? how do i tell sts to do this?


Yes, this can be done quite easily....


Please post your support request in the correct thread.


STS support is ONLY provided in the STSv4 Support Thread. The link is in the STS User Manual as well as in my signature below.




It's best to keep the questions (and answers) in one place for all STS users to benefit.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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