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Category Layout help sought


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Hello All,


I am after some advise re category layout. I am redeveloping a site which is basically 60% finished the problem (maybe?) is that there are multiple sub categories - running into the hundreds (the site sells books - comics - DDS - supplies and so on) Each title of a comic - magazine has several issues (runs) associated with it so each title is in a category, with the corresponding issues associated with it. I have sorted the titles alphabetically A - Z (with the sub categories listed under the appropriate letter - i.e Star Wars, Star Trek, Superman, Spiderman etc under s but there are literally hundreds of titles that start with s so I envision that the expanded category list will scroll for ever. Has anyone come across a similar problem what did you do? Or should I not use the category box Maybe a drop down box to list categories?

I hope I have explained this properly


Anyway a sample of what I am trying to explain is here just imaging that instead of the 8 categories there are perhaps 100 odd. http://www.paladincomics.com/catalog/defau...hp?cPath=25_238


Any comments most appreciated!

Regards Seb


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