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The e-commerce.

Disable add to cart - or change to send inquiry?


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I have a client who wants to to create a web catalogue. However, because he sells one of a kind furniture - very hard to ship - he down't want an add to card button. It would make more sense for him to have a 'send inquiry' button. Is that difficult to change? Does this make sense?


Thank you for your input.




Very easy. Change the form action on the product_info.php page to direct the "buyer" off to a contact form. Pass through a couple of extra hidden parameters while you are at it, and then pick those parameters up in the contact form...


Turn off all the buying buttons, and perhaps change the te-redirect on the checkout and create_account pages to a different page (other than login.php) as you probably won't be wanting people to make accounts etc ?


Anyway, it's simple to do, should take you long to amend the full catalog to this functionality. I did exactly this on www.findanaudi.com




Wow, thanks.


Doesn't sound as easy as you say it is, but I'll give it a go.





  • 1 year later...

Has there been an update to this?


I would like to know where I can find the params to pass over to the contact page.


Any help would be awesome.


+ I would gladly make a contribution for future use as long as I know how to do it!.




- RePlay




It's easy to change it, all you have to do is change the 'Add to Cart' image file and replace with your created image file with 'Send Inquiry' in it. The gif file should be 'button_in_cart' within the \includes\languages\english\images\buttons.


Ref. Site: www.macaurealestate.com . Hope you can achieve it.


Best regards,

Kong Ngau


Yes that is easy but what about the login? How can I make the user put their email in at some stage and then send the enqiry without going through the whole shopping cart process.



  • 11 months later...
Yes that is easy but what about the login? How can I make the user put their email in at some stage and then send the enqiry without going through the whole shopping cart process.




I also need to know how to do this. I have a client that wants to use the site for "informational", so I have to disable the shopping cart, turn the shopping cart buttons into inquiry buttons, and get all the prices off the site.


Any suggestions? I'm lost and its my first project.....ever... lol. HELP!


Amanda :'(


oh yea - how do you use contributions?


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