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payment modules not showing up in Checkout


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Lo all,


I have a problem with 2 payment modules I added.

It's the store Pickup module and the detailed invoice one.


I placed all files where they are are supposed to go and activated them in the admin section. (disabling all other payment modules in the process, because I don't use them).


Problem is that when you make a checkout, there's no payment options!


when I re-enable one of the standard ones (like CC f.ex.) that one shows up, but still none of the ones I added...


Any suggestions?




:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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We need more information.


What version OSC (by this I assume 2.2 but is it pre-November or post? - this is important because that's when the checkout changed breaking all the shipping and payment modules).


Exactly which modules? Not just the name....exact module, version and link to the contribution.


Without those answers it's virtually impossible to help. :wink:

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some more info. I'm using the 20030117 snapshot

These are the modules I'm talking about:

Shipping module : Pickup v1.1


Payment module: Detailed invoice



Hope this helps



:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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I am having the same issue with the Bank of America contrib yet others say it works fine for them in mid December releases (post new checkout module releases). I can see it fine in the admin/modules/payment area and can configure..etc. .but it never shows up during checkout.


I'm stumped.

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So does anybody know why I can see the modules in the admin section,

but not during checkout?




:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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Yeah, I had this problem when I moved my admin directory out of the same main directory as my catalog. I wound up having to redefine the path (not url) to the shop in the *admin* configure.php. I don't recall the initial settings but it was something like ROOT_DIR . CATALOG DIR and I changed it to the correct path (like /home/domains/mydomain.com/shop/).


Once I did that it worked fine.


Hope this helps.


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