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STS 4.5.8 Template file does not exist!


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Hey guys i'm new to installing OSC and i've been following the guides on here and seen the STS so i wanted to try it. I installed it but it keeps giving me this erro Template file does not exist [includes/sts_templates/full/sts_template.html] . I have tripled checked that this file exists and that the name is correct. Yes i have actually installed STS and i have ENABLED default mode. I have also unistalled and reinstalled incase i messed up the p[lacement of the files but even then again it still not found! Can someone tell me where i'm going wrong?


According to my ftp prog the needed file sts_template.html exists here /public_html/includes/modules/sts_templates/test , i have also tried to change the path of to include public_html/ but it still doesn't work!!


Default template (v2.1.1)


Use Templates?



Code for debug output



Files for normal template



Base folder



Template folder



Default template file



Use template for infoboxes




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Hey guys i'm new to installing OSC and i've been following the guides on here and seen the STS so i wanted to try it. I installed it but it keeps giving me this erro Template file does not exist [includes/sts_templates/full/sts_template.html] . I have tripled checked that this file exists and that the name is correct. Yes i have actually installed STS and i have ENABLED default mode. I have also unistalled and reinstalled incase i messed up the p[lacement of the files but even then again it still not found! Can someone tell me where i'm going wrong?


According to my ftp prog the needed file sts_template.html exists here /public_html/includes/modules/sts_templates/test , i have also tried to change the path of to include public_html/ but it still doesn't work!!


Default template (v2.1.1)


Use Templates?



Code for debug output



Files for normal template



Base folder



Template folder



Default template file



Use template for infoboxes





Change to the default settings.


STS support is ONLY provided in the STSv4 Support Thread. The link is in the STS User Manual as well as in my signature below.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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i did try the link in the maual but when it came here it said i had followed an out of date link.... Can you tell me how i change to default settings pliz.


The link works. Did you try the STSv4 link in my signature then?




It's best to keep the questions (and answers) in one place for all STS users to benefit.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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