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Problem when add product image to an Item


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I got 2 problems handling the product images and running with M2.2 RC2a .


1. I’m not able to use product images stored in added venorname folder catalog\images\vendorname

Even when I try to add correct file path to uploaded file in admin add new product, I still need to have them stored in catalog\images


2. when upload via ftp the product image and store it under catalog\images since problem 1 I also noticed that I got a additional file stored with same name but with \\ ahead and size is 0 and I’m not able to delete that file since it has illegal filename on the web hotel.

So I need to contact web hotel support to change \\imagename.gif to nobackspace_imagename.gif, that’s really bad for me and the web hotel support.


What have I done incorrectly? configured?? I suppose both problems are more or less the same cause.

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