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Error! Unable to determine page link!


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I have had this problem for about 2 weeks now and I don't know how to fix it but it is becoming a real problem as it is loosing me online sales!.


Basically at the bottom of every page where the Copyright notice normally is AND when a user tries to log in, the following message gets displayed:



Unable to determine page link!


On all of the 'let's see what we have here' pages there is also a problem, as it doesn't display any items.


It seems like it is a problem linking between pages or information?


I didn't edit any files before this happened apart from updating my index page with some new text and a picture.


Please could someone help, Thanks!

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Thanks for your reply.


I have been searching the forum for a bit now and can't seem to find too much regarding this (seeing as I do not know what it is doesn't help) but I can see that it can be turned on and off through php.ini? Am I correct?


What is php.ini? And if I am totally wrong could you explain what is is please?



Thank you so much for your help and time!!

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register_long_arrays will probably do the trick. Search forum for it.



If that does not do the trick, check that you did not enable the "Use Search Engine Friendly URLS" option in the admin.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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I have already tried the "Use Search Engine Friendly URLS" option. It didn't work.


But I still have not been able to try the register_long_arrays because I do not know what I need to do to them or what file they are in?


Thank you for your help...

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just the request type is missing.


in html_output function You need to get the request type.


It should come out as SSL or NONSSL.



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$request_type = (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? 'SSL' : 'NONSSL';


place this in html_output.php




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Does anyone have a solution to this problem I have been like it for weeks now?

If I use the "Unable to determine page link!" to search with Google I get about 215 hits on this forum. Surely there is one that answers your question. Don't sit and wait till somebody solves it for you!


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