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Attach existing OSCommerce catalog to new site?


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I just rebuilt a website for a friend who already has OSCommerce set up. We didn't think the changes I made would affect the catalog, but when I published the new site (using FrontPage) the OSCommerce catalog no longer has graphics and none of the links work. I've never used OSCommerce before, but now no one can make purchases. Can anyone give some instructions to get it back up until I have time to get fully educated in OSCommerce myself?


Anxiously waiting!!

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I am not sure that Frontpage is compatible with OSC. I have used Dreamweaver and other Editors to create 'Fronts' for OSC stores but, have always linked to the store from the 'Front'.


I wish I could offer more help, but I will watch what others have to say about this as I am curious now.



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When I am in the admin part of OSC, everything is still there, but it is not there live. How do I republish the catalog as it is, without worrying about the company website? If I can get OSC back online, I will relink from my site.

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How do I republish the catalog as it is, without worrying about the company website?

You upload the backup of the site you made before you started.


If you were foolhardy enough to not make a backup, I'd contact the host and see if they can restore from a recent backup. Of course they may charge for this service.


Quite honestly, not knowing how much damage you did, you could spend weeks on the forum and still not get it working again.



A restore from a recent backup is your best, quiickest, bet (IMHO).

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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You upload the backup of the site you made before you started.


If you were foolhardy enough to not make a backup, I'd contact the host and see if they can restore from a recent backup. Of course they may charge for this service.


Quite honestly, not knowing how much damage you did, you could spend weeks on the forum and still not get it working again.



A restore from a recent backup is your best, quiickest, bet (IMHO).


Jim is right on with the above. Good luck with that.


Regarding FrontPage...


I would strongly suggest not using it to edit osCommerce as it will constantly work against you since it does not understand what to do with PHP code. It will constantly be trying to replace it with something that it "thinks" you are wanting instead.


A better WYSIWYG choice would either be Microsoft's Expression Web 2.0 or Adobe Dreamweaver. Both of these programs understand PHP and you life will be a lot easier.


Another option is to design a user interface for osCommerce using the Simple Template System add-on for osCommerce. This will allow you to edit EVERY page in osCommerce using HTML templates.


Good luck,

Bill Kellum


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