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HELP: OSC is passing the wrong return address to Paypal


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My osCommerce is sending Paypal the wrong return address, so Paypal is not automatically returning customers to my site.

I've been unable to locate the code that is causing this to happen.


When an order is completed, the customer is sent to Paypal and makes the payment... but then it just sits at the confirmation screen instead of sending the cust back to checkout_process.php like my Paypal profile settings tell it to. Even the button on the confirmation page doesn't link back to my site.



Here is the string of variables that was captured while being passed over from my cart to Paypal.


POST /cgi-bin/webscrcmd=_xclick&business=sales%40ocdepot.com&item_name=Online+Consignment+Depot&amount=64.95&shipping=0.16&currency_code=USD&return=checkout_process.php&%92rm%92=2&cancel_return=checkout_payment.php&x=58&y=7


As you can see in the underlined text, I'm somehow passing over the "return" address as 'checkout_process.php' which overrides my Paypal auto-return profile settings, and instead of sending customers back to my site... gives them a 404 error. It needs to be the full path of the checkout_process file... but I can't figure out where to change it!


Does anyone know what file would be submitting this info to Paypal? I don't think it is checkout_confirmation.php...

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I finally found my problem.


For anyone experiencing the same problem using the non-IPN Paypal module,

but not getting people passed back to your site after Paypal is done... you need to

change LINE 29 in catalog/includes/filenames.php to reflect the full path of the file.



define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS', 'checkout_process.php');


define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS', 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/catalog/checkout_process.php');

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