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The e-commerce.

Move products to another sub-category


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Hey All,


I'm busy making OScommerce working accordingly the wishes of a local kids clothing shop.

It was almost ready...and they started to put in the products etc.

However they made a mistake.


They made several categories:

1.Clothing for boys

1.1 Diesel (brand)

1.2 Any brand etc.

2.Clothing for girls

2.1 Brand 1

2.2 Brand 2



then they started to create Brand-1 items in Clothing for girls....instead of putting it directly under the sub-category Brand-1

Is there a possibility to move all the items they created under Clothing for girls to for example sub-category Brand 1?

Any advise would be appreciated! Thnx in advance!


(the last option would be: remove all the items and start all over again...)

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