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The e-commerce.

Sing the praises of the oscommerce community.


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Hi folks,


I have had my shopping card now for a couple of years with oscommerce, added a contribution here and there and are generally a happy pal with it.


Thanks to all the hard working contributors, that make it possible for me to avoid expenses that are hard to come up with in a small business.


I have seen the costs on scripts on 'get a freelancer'.


Here is my latest example, I just integrated google checkout into oscommerce, works like a charm.


Than I racked my brain to get a google store set up, the set up is no problem but the data feed oh my!


For an XML, HTML, PHP amateur like me not an easy to understand task and who has the time...


AND THERE IT IS.... In oscommerce contributions a google data feed contribution!


Thanks again all you scripting angles out there.



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