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database is created then i receive a error creating config f


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I have already posted this message but it seem not to have displayed on the installatio&configs board. I apologise if this means i have cross posted.


Please bear with me as I am new to this. I am using vers 2.2 with the manual from www.oscdox.com/, I have got to the install page and am getting the error


Parse error: parse error in public_html/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_5.php on line 159


this line says

' define('DB_DATABASE', '' . $HTTP_POST


i have doubled checked that the database name is right. I have also doubled check that the files have chmod 777.


Any other ideas anyone.





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your problem was that the line wasn't completed correctly and caused a parse error because the syntax was off. It should have looked something like this:


define('DB_DATABASE', '' . $HTTP_POST_VARS);


While the syntax was off and you could easily have fixed it by looking at how other definitions were supposed to look and just added the ");" I doubt you would have known to add the _VARS part (assuming that is correct). It was best that you reinstalled since this may have just been a glitch in the version you grabbed or happened when you extracted.




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