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question about change color


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I try to change the original install color "grey" to red, especially on each boxes header.

I manipulated the style_sheet.css, in the TD.infoBoxHeading, I change the background color to red, But I still get the tiny grey on each box left header.


What's wrong with my setting??



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I try to change the original install color "grey" to red, especially on each boxes header.

I manipulated the style_sheet.css, in the TD.infoBoxHeading, I change the background color to red, But I still get the tiny grey on each box left header.


What's wrong with my setting??




Nothing. You need to set the left corner image to false. See the pinned thread in the Installation & Configuration Forum


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Sorry, could you tell me which file this lef corner image in??

I read the pinned thread, but didn't find it....


8. … Remove / Add the rounded corners to the info boxes on the left or right columns?

Go to catalog/includes/boxes and open the corresponding file name for the box you want to change. Here is the code that will change this – look for the line that you have (eg left rounded) then change it to what you want it to be.


No rounded corners


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);



Right rounded corner


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true);



Left rounded corner


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false);



Both rounded corners


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, true);



9. … Remove / Add the rounded corners to the info boxes in the middle part of the page? (eg: New Products for MONTH)

Go to catalog/includes/modules and open the corresponding file name for the box you want to change. Change the following code to the one above that you want.


new contentBoxHeading($info_box_contents);

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Sorry, it seems a misuderstanding.

I know how to make the round corner to square corner.

But even I change to: new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);

The left corner is still grey instead of red?

How to make the whole head line red?


Thanks a lot!


Nothing. You need to set the left corner image to false. See the pinned thread in the Installation & Configuration Forum


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Sorry, it seems a misuderstanding.

I know how to make the round corner to square corner.

But even I change to: new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);

The left corner is still grey instead of red?

How to make the whole head line red?


Thanks a lot!


Replace the 3 gif files in your catalog\images\InfoBox folder (BACK THEM UP IN CASE YOU NEED TO RESTORE)





with transparent gifs, and see if that works. PM me with your email address if you don't have.


If you want to keep the rounded corners look here:


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