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File permissions on image upload problem


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When uploading product images via the admin section my December snapshot sets the file permissions to owner read and write only, giving no public access. Essentially this means I am met with a page of broken links.


I've searched through the forums and found nothing specific on this. I'm able to get around it by deleting the images and re-uploading via FTP, but its an untidy solution at best. Is there a way to allow the images to be uploaded with different file permissions when I'm adding products via admin?

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Apply the following change to your admin/includes/functions/general.php file (around lines 780 - 790).


Find this:

// the $filename parameter is an array with the following elements:

// name, type, size, tmp_name

 function tep_copy_uploaded_file($filename, $target) {

   if (substr($target, -1) != '/') $target .= '/';

   $target .= $filename['name'];

   move_uploaded_file($filename['tmp_name'], $target);



Replace with this:

I have commented where the chmod change has been made for easy reference.

// the $filename parameter is an array with the following elements:

// name, type, size, tmp_name

 function tep_copy_uploaded_file($filename, $target) {

   if (substr($target, -1) != '/') $target .= '/';

   $target .= $filename['name'];

   move_uploaded_file($filename['tmp_name'], $target);

// chmod added - start

chmod ("$target", 0776);

// chmod added - end



This should sort out your problems... :D


Post again to thread if you're still having problems.




"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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