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[Pb] - Bug in PDF Upload add-on ...


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I just set up this module : "PDF File Upload and Display" (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions, 2807 /).

After a few (many) corrections of typographical errors, the module seems to work ...


However, I have a problem with somes variables ...


In product_info.php, I put the following lines:

if ($product_info['products_pdfupload'] == '') {
echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_MANUALS . $product_info['products_pdfupload']) . '"target="_blank">' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_PDFUPLOAD2 . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_MANUALS . $product_info['products_pdfupload']) . '"target="_blank">' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_PDFUPLOAD . '</a>';
echo '<br>';
if ($product_info['products_fileupload'] == '') {
echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_MANUALS . $product_info['products_fileupload']) . '"target="_blank">' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_FILEUPLOAD2 . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_MANUALS . $product_info['products_fileupload']) . '"target="_blank">' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_FILEUPLOAD . '</a>';

If I leave DIR_WS_MANUALS in tep_href_link, the URL displayed in the sheet product is of a style "http://monsite/catalog/DIR_WS_MANUALSmonfichier.pdf?osCsid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

If I eg. DIR_WS_IMAGES in tep_href_link, the URL is displayed: "http://monsite/catalog/images/monfichier.pdf?osCsid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


DIR_WS_MANUALS seems not well reported.

But, it's seems to be good in configure.php:

 define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');
 define('DIR_WS_MANUALS', 'manuals/');
 define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_MANUALS', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'manuals/');
 define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

Have you any idea?


P.s : Sorry for my english, i have posted this reply in the French forum ( http://www.oscommerce-fr.info/forum/index....mp;#entry311897 ), but no one help me... :(

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