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The e-commerce.

Asking about an add-on..


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Wasn't sure if I am suppose to post in this category or not so if this is in the wrong section please move it.


I wanted to know if anyone has a mod or just a simple httaccess rewrite for oscommerce that does the following:


http://www.example.com/reviews.html?page=1 -into>>> http://www.example.com/reviews-1.html



I want to make the reviews page on my site seo friendly and the above would be perfect. Also wanted to know if there is anyway to avoid being not being sent to page=1? What I mean is both reviews.html?page=1 and reviews.html are the exact same page so avoiding reviews.html would be in everyone's best interest. This part really dosen't matter as I have a store that gets around 25 reviews an hour so I wouldn't get a pently from google for duplicate content.


Anyways please help me, thanks!

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