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The e-commerce.

Store Move Issue


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I did some searches for this, and I am guessing the issue has to do with moving the store from a php4/mysql4 server to a php5/mysql5 server.


The only problem I seem to be having is that when a product listed in a category is clicked, I get a "Product Not Found!" message.


Yes, there are plenty of products loaded in the store. They do show up in the listings under a category.


Any suggestions? :)


Thanks ahead of time.



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I did some searches for this, and I am guessing the issue has to do with moving the store from a php4/mysql4 server to a php5/mysql5 server.


The only problem I seem to be having is that when a product listed in a category is clicked, I get a "Product Not Found!" message.


Yes, there are plenty of products loaded in the store. They do show up in the listings under a category.



Following up my own post after some research: seems the following need to be turned on:




I did it through an .htaccess file using the following line:


php_value register_long_arrays on



I also need this in my .htaccess file, but I knew that already:


php_value register_globals on



Hope this information helps someone else!



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  • 1 month later...
Following up my own post after some research: seems the following need to be turned on:




I did it through an .htaccess file using the following line:


php_value register_long_arrays on



I also need this in my .htaccess file, but I knew that already:


php_value register_globals on



Hope this information helps someone else!




I had simular problems after an update to a newer PHP5 and MySQL5 version... This seems to help! Thank's very very much! I think I never could have solved it myself!





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