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Happy Hour OR Price Hammer Box


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I've install this contribution



generelly it works fine but when you put a article over 1000 euros to the shopping cart, the price isn't correct. prices under 1000 euro make any problems.

i think that the mistake is in the formular.js in includes/ but i don't have an answer


function startPriceCounter()
{ setInterval("UpdatePrice()",100);	

function formatCurrencies( PreisVar)
 var Dezimalstellen = "2";
//  var Dezimalpunkt = ",";
 var Dezimalpunkt = ".";
//  var Dezimalzeichen	= ".";  
 var Dezimalzeichen	= ",";  

 if ( Dezimalstellen.length > 0)
 {   if ( Dezimalpunkt.length > 0 && Dezimalzeichen.length > 0)
  {   ValueZurueck = ""; 
	  pos = PreisVar.indexOf(".");
	  if (pos > 0)
	  {   PreisKomma = PreisVar.substring( 0, pos);
		  Kommapos = PreisVar.substring( pos + 1, PreisVar.length);
	  {   PreisVar = PreisVar + ".00";
		  pos = PreisVar.indexOf(".");
		  PreisKomma = PreisVar.substring( 0, pos);
		  Kommapos = PreisVar.substring( pos + 1, PreisVar.length);			   

	  if ( PreisKomma.length > 3)
	  {   ZeitderSich = Math.floor(PreisKomma.length/3);
		  nachStart  = PreisKomma.length % 3;
		  ValueDerSich = PreisKomma;
		  if (nachStart > 0)
		  {   ValueZurueck = PreisKomma.substring( 0, nachStart) + Dezimalzeichen;
			  ValueDerSich = PreisKomma.substring( nachStart, PreisKomma.length);

		  while ( ValueDerSich.length > 0)
		  {   if ( ValueDerSich.length > 3)
				  ValueZurueck = ValueZurueck + Dezimalzeichen + ValueDerSich.substring(0, 3);
				  ValueZurueck = ValueZurueck + ValueDerSich.substring(0, 3);
			  ValueDerSich = ValueDerSich.substring(3, ValueDerSich.length);
		  ValueZurueck = ValueZurueck + Dezimalpunkt + Kommapos.substring( 0, parseInt(Dezimalstellen));				  
	  {   ValueZurueck = PreisKomma + Dezimalpunkt + Kommapos.substring( 0, parseInt(Dezimalstellen));
	  return ValueZurueck;
  else if ( Dezimalpunkt.length > 0 && Dezimalzeichen.length == 0)
  {   ValueZurueck = ""; 
	  pos = PreisVar.indexOf(".");
	  if (pos > 0)
	  {   PreisKomma = PreisVar.substring( 0, pos);
		  Kommapos = PreisVar.substring( pos + 1, PreisVar.length);
	  {   PreisVar = PreisVar + ".00";
		  pos = PreisVar.indexOf(".");
		  PreisKomma = PreisVar.substring( 0, pos);
		  Kommapos = PreisVar.substring( pos + 1, PreisVar.length);			   
	  ValueZurueck = PreisKomma + Dezimalpunkt + Kommapos.substring( 0, parseInt(Dezimalstellen));
	  return ValueZurueck;
 return PreisVar;
function UpdatePrice()
 var flash = document.getElementById("flash");
 var lprice1 = document.getElementById("StartPrice");
 var lprice2 = document.getElementById("EndPrice");
 if ( flash != null && ( EndPrice < PriceVar) && ZaehlStop == false )
  PriceVar = PriceVar - Vprice;
  if ( PriceVar < EndPrice )
	  PriceVar = EndPrice;
  str = PriceVar + "";
  pcprice = str; 
  str = formatCurrencies(str);

  pos = pcprice.indexOf(",");
  pcprice = pcprice.substring(0,(pos+3));

  flash.value = str;
  if (lprice1 != null)
	  lprice1.value = pcprice;
  if (lprice2 != null)
	  lprice2.value = pcprice;			
  if ( PriceVar <= EndPrice)

function startSynchron()
{  setInterval("loadScript()",10000);

function loadScript()
{  if (!ZaehlStop)
  {   var sec = new Date();
   var url = "&cur=" + 0 + "&" + sec.getTime();
   var e = document.createElement("script");	 
   e.src = url;


i hope somebody can help me to find a solution.

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