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infoBox and loginbox


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I have this code in my header.php


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="0">
 <tr class="headerInfo">
$top_box_contents_string = '';
$info_box_contents = array();
$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $breadcrumb->trail(' » '));
new infoBox($info_box_contents);


What is the proper way to put "loginBox v6 in header" my_account_nav_bar_links code in there to make it work. When the customer is logged out, the login menu is displayed near the logo, so its fine, but when the customer is logged in, all i want is links like My Account and Edit Account to be displayed in the right side of that box...


Thanx for help, hope someone will understand my english

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