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Help My ship is sinking fast


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I tried to install tinymc3 after that failed i unistalled it and messedup my istallation of sts. I re installed sts and then i found that my site would load everything but the content. Now after finding some of the php missing i installed that and have this error message (Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory. ) Please help I have posted 5 times in the last 2 days with out 1 reply... Thanks

Kenny Lee

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Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.

This is a very common issue which has been asked and answered so many times that the forum is full of threads and post regarding this.

There are even contributions written for this.


A few hints. If you don't get your question answered, it could be one or a combination of the following:


1. We don't know. Someone might know but hasn't seen your query.


2. You need to provide more information that may help us help you.


3. It has been asked and resolved so many times that forum members are sick of

seeing that question and repeating the same answers over and over and over and... you get the picture.


Anyhow, please use the search function for the forum on the upper right and/or

go to Google and type site:www.oscommerce.com/forums error or issue

Using that format, Google will give you results from the oscommerce forums instead of the whole web.


Example: site:www.oscommerce.com/forums register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration


I hope this is helpfull.

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This is a very common issue which has been asked and answered so many times that the forum is full of threads and post regarding this.

There are even contributions written for this.


A few hints. If you don't get your question answered, it could be one or a combination of the following:


1. We don't know. Someone might know but hasn't seen your query.


2. You need to provide more information that may help us help you.


3. It has been asked and resolved so many times that forum members are sick of

seeing that question and repeating the same answers over and over and over and... you get the picture.


Anyhow, please use the search function for the forum on the upper right and/or

go to Google and type site:www.oscommerce.com/forums error or issue

Using that format, Google will give you results from the oscommerce forums instead of the whole web.


Example: site:www.oscommerce.com/forums register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration


I hope this is helpfull.

Kenny Lee

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I tried to install tinymc3 after that failed i unistalled it and messedup my istallation of sts. I re installed sts and then i found that my site would load everything but the content. Now after finding some of the php missing i installed that and have this error message (Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory. ) Please help I have posted 5 times in the last 2 days with out 1 reply... Thanks

Multiple posting of the same problem is not only annoying, it will get you banned.


Help My ship is sinking fast does not sound like an OSC topic , so most people would not even look at the post.


You have the answer in your post. php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory are the likely cause, did you edit one or both. If not, contact your web host.

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