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Weights stuck in oz.


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I'd like to be able to use Table Rate shipping, but it's stuck in ounces, and I can't find a way to change it to grams.


I've already been to modules/shipping/table rate in search of the Module Weight Unit option, but it wasn't there.

The full list of options read:

  • Enable Table Method
  • Shipping Table
  • Table Method
  • Handling Fee
  • Tax Class
  • Shipping Zone
  • Sort Order

Nothing about the Module Weight Unit.


I've also tried Configuration>Shipping/Packaging, but that only has

  1. Country of Origin
  2. Postal Code
  3. Enter Maximum Package Weight You Will Ship
  4. Package Tare Weight
  5. Larger Packages - Percentage Increase

Again, there's nothing about the Default Shipping Unit.


Similarly, Localization doesn't offer the Weight Classes option.


I don't understand why none of the weight class options are showing for me. Thanks heaps for any suggestions you can offer!

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My problem is not what they're called, it's that I can't find anywhere to change them. They seem to be in ounces or pounds, but I can't change them anywhere - the options just aren't available.

I assume that you are referring to some text that may or may not be in some shipping modules. Ergo, yo look in the languages/englih/modules/shipping/whatever.php to change the text.

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If you are refering to the actual wt on the product this can normally be changed in the shop admin pages where you edit other product details such as price.

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I assume that you are referring to some text that may or may not be in some shipping modules. Ergo, yo look in the languages/english/modules/shipping/whatever.php to change the text.


BINGO! Worked like a charm!


Here is what it looks like in Zones.php:




$Id: zones.php,v 1.3 2002/11/19 01:48:08 dgw_ Exp $


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define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', 'Weight Zone Based Rates');

define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_WAY', 'Shipping to');


define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_INVALID_ZONE', 'No shipping available to the selected country');

define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_UNDEFINED_RATE', 'The shipping rate cannot be determined at this time');


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