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login page pops up instead of the product categories


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My OScommerce site opens to an index page that shows a table of product categories. The first time I click on a product category, rather than taking me to the products in that category, the login page displays. My clients are not shopping because they don't want to have to login before they see the products. It only seems to happen the first time I visit the site within a short time period. I tested it on 6 computers with every browser last night and it only jumped to the login page on the first attempt. Then about an hour later I tried again and it jumped to the login page. The site is bokays.com





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I received a recommendation to disable the "Use Search-Engine Safe URLs. I'm giving it a try. This is a difficult problem to troubleshoot because I don't know when it's going to give me the intermittent login screen instead of the intended category pages

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You should also fix the links in the page in your root folder that link to your catalog.


Currently they look like this (one example):


<a href="http://yoursite.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/37?osCsid=e7e800a6721e1d3b9de518fa30d0ad40">Roses</a>

They should look like this:


<a href="http://yoursite.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=37">Roses</a>

Never, EVER, include the osCsid in any link to your shop.


It's an invitation to big troubles down the road.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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