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[Contribution] iOSC - mobile version of OSC on your iPhone


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It does the same thing in IE and Firefox. What is actually happening is that when I go to http://your.domain.com/mobile the header comes up with store, search, account, about, languages, however, I don't see the Catalog banner nor the Catalog content. It works in my tests at the house but when I put it on the site, I have this issue.

Comment out AJAX part. Follow instructions here

I will suspend AJAX in the next version anyway, it causing too much trouble for everyone

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I removed the entry from the index.php file. It started working great. I left the about_js.php in.


Now concerning the advanced_search.php file. Should there be one? I see an advanced_search_results.php file.



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Now concerning the advanced_search.php file. Should there be one? I see an advanced_search_results.php file.

No, iOSC doesn't have mobile/advanced_search.php. Why is it causing problem? Is any page referring to it?

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No, iOSC doesn't have mobile/advanced_search.php. Why is it causing problem? Is any page referring to it?


It is causing a 404 error because it is looking for http://your.domain.com/mobile/advanced_search.php. This only occurs if you click on the search button, then click on either the arrow on the other side of keyword or the arrow on the other side of Manufacturers.


Those are the only pages referring to the advanced_search.php file.



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Hi All


I had the blank page issue refereed to earlier in the thread so added

error_reporting(E_ALL & E_NOTICE );


to application_top.php


I now have the following errors:


Notice: Constant DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG already defined in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/configure.php on line 24


Notice: Constant DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG already defined in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/configure.php on line 25


Notice: Constant DIR_WS_IMAGES already defined in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/configure.php on line 27


Notice: Constant DIR_WS_INCLUDES already defined in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/configure.php on line 29


Warning: include(includes/version.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 38


Warning: include(includes/version.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 38


Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/version.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 38


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/configure.php:24) in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


Warning: require(templates//default/boxes.tpl.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/CRE_template_application_top.php on line 111


Warning: require(templates//default/boxes.tpl.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/CRE_template_application_top.php on line 111


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'templates//default/boxes.tpl.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/CRE_template_application_top.php on line 111


Can anybody help with this please?

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This only occurs if you click on the search button, then click on either the arrow on the other side of keyword or the arrow on the other side of Manufacturers.


I will change advance_search.php to search.php in the next version

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I've noticed that the ( /mobile/password_forgotten.php ) file is missing... Is there going to be one inserted into a future update of this mod?

Thanks for noticing. Will be included in the next release

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Warning: include(includes/version.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 38

Warning: require(templates//default/boxes.tpl.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cbdmain/public_html/includes/CRE_template_application_top.php on line 111


includes/version.php and templates//default/boxes.tpl.php files are not found inside mobile directory. Those are not standard OSC files and part of some other plugin. You could copy them inside mobile directory and see if it solve the problem. Currently iOSC Mobile is not compatible with CRE Template plugin

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  • 2 weeks later...

First: great contrib!


Second: I nearly have everything working: the category images work fine, but the images of the products themselves do not show up!


When I right click on the questionmark I get:


http://www.creacom.be/catalog/mobile/resize.php?image=../images/Plextor Blu-


I do use a image thumbnailer, can't recall which one excactly : the resize.php says


  // modified by Engr Omar Necesario
  // email: [email protected]

  // modified by Adam Piotrowski
  // email: [email protected]


Please help me to get these images in working order :s

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This is my favorite osCommerce contribution of all time! Works like a charm!


I was wondering if you could develop the admin site to be iPhone/mobile friendly, or possibly creating an iPhone App for the admin site....?

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When I right click on the questionmark I get:

http://www.creacom.be/catalog/mobile/resize.php?image=../images/Plextor Blu-

I'm working on new version (v2.0 beta), where mobile files will be located in the same catalog directory, instead of putting them to categories/mobile.

I hope it will solve most of problems , related to incompatible plugins.

I hope to release it in a couple of weeks

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This is my favorite osCommerce contribution of all time! Works like a charm!

I was wondering if you could develop the admin site to be iPhone/mobile friendly, or possibly creating an iPhone App for the admin site....?



It would be fun,but seems like a lot of work. Admin site of OSC is few times bigger then customer's site.

So, I guess, my answer is: "Not now" :-)

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I installed iOSC_1_2_3 and everything is working good accessing the mobile site from the iphone.


I've tried adding the addional code to catalog/includes/application_top.php for automatic redirection, but nothing seems to happen. The iphone is not redirected to the mobile directory when accessing the main website, it just pulls up the main webpage. Any ideas?

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I installed iOSC_1_2_3 and everything is working good accessing the mobile site from the iphone.


I've tried adding the additional code to catalog/includes/application_top.php for automatic redirection, but nothing seems to happen. The iphone is not redirected to the mobile directory when accessing the main website, it just pulls up the main webpage. Any ideas?

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I installed iOSC_1_2_3 and everything is working good accessing the mobile site from the iphone.


I've tried adding the additional code to catalog/includes/application_top.php for automatic redirection, but nothing seems to happen. The iphone is not redirected to the mobile directory when accessing the main website, it just pulls up the main webpage. Any ideas?

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Hi everybody,


I install this wonderful contrib but i have a problem with the payement module.


When i'm on checkout_payement.php i choose payement by credit card... everything is ok i go on checkout_confirmation and i just see un button "confirm order"...


In my website (not the mobile one) i see the credit cart pictures...


So my question : is someone already install this contrib with a payement by credit card "Atos / SIPS" ?


I think i need to modify checkout_confirmation but i dont know what i need to modify...


If someone know what i need to do i would like his help...


Sorry for the poor english...





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank's for your great contribution.


And update for your mobile_redirect.php :

	function needRedirect() {
	if($this->isCancelled()) return false;
	if(strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],$this->mobileDir . $this->mobileFile) > 0) return false;
	if(tep_browser_detect('iPhone') || tep_browser_detect('iPod')) return 'iPhone';
	if(tep_browser_detect('IEMobile')) return 'iPhone';
	if(tep_browser_detect('Blackberry')) return 'Blackberry';
	if(tep_browser_detect('Nokia')) return 'Nokia';
	if(tep_browser_detect('SonyEricsson')) return 'SonyEricsson';
	if(tep_browser_detect('Opera Mobi')) return 'OperaMobi';
	if(tep_browser_detect('Opera Mini')) return 'OperaMini';
	if(tep_browser_detect('MAUI_WAP_Browser')) return 'GenericWAP';
	if(tep_browser_detect('alcatel')) return('alcatel'); // Alcatel Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('lg-')) return('lg-'); // LG (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('ericsson')) return('ericsson'); // Ericsson Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('mot-')) return('mot-'); // Motorola Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('panasonic')) return('panasonic'); // Panasonic Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('philips')) return('philips'); // Philips Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('sagem')) return('sagem'); // Sagem (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('samsung')) return('samsung'); // Samsung (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('sie-')) return('sie-'); // SIE (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('sec-')) return('sec-'); // Sony/Ericsson (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('sonyericsson')) return('sonyericsson'); // Sony/Ericsson Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('mmef')) return('mmef'); // Microsoft Mobile Explorer (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('mspie')) return('mspie'); // MS Pocket Internet Explorer (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('wapalizer')) return('wapalizer'); // WAPalizer (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('wapsilon')) return('wapsilon'); // WAPsilon (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('webcollage')) return('webcollage'); // WebCollage (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('up.')) return('up.'); // UP.Browser (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('docomo')) return('docomo'); // I-Mode phone (PDA/Phone browser)
	if(tep_browser_detect('portalmmm')) return('portalmmm'); // I-Mode phone (PDA/Phone browser)
	return false;



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Okay. Stupid question but it is really stumping me.


Mine installed all correctly but what do I do with

   define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/mobile/');
  define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/mobile/');


just a tad confused on what to do there. if someone could please help, it would be greatly appreciated! :)

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Well I am loving the contrib, here are some bugs/issues that I have came across.


When I hit the PC Site button it will redirect me to the PC website but after doing that I can not get back to the mobile site. I have tried this on 2 iPhones. Clearing cache, history and cookies on the iPhone don't help. I am guessing it's a session issue. It must save the session and not reset it. I went into the SQL and deleted the sessions that were there and the website worked fine. To offer an option to get back to the mobile site until the session expires I placed a link at the bottom of the PC Site called "Mobile Site".


I decided to name my directory "m" instead of "mobile" so I had to go into the mobile_redirect.php and change var $mobileDir = "mobile/"; to var $mobileDir = "m/"; If for some reason your site redirects incorrectly then try doing that as well as make sure your configure.php file is set up correctly.


Instead of commenting out the file that is called for the AJAX function in each file I just created empty files called categories_js.php, account_js.php and about_js.php and deleted the others. This way I would not have to comment out the line in every single file in the mobile folder.


I really hope to see the AJAX come back, I was loving it in the demo. Really makes for a native iPhone feel.


I am not a PHP pro but I have been using OSCommerce since 2001 and a web designer since 1997, if I can help in any way please let me know.






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i have 4 error in mobile/index


Notice: Constant DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG already defined in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\333\includes\configure.php on line 9

Notice: Constant DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG already defined in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\333\includes\configure.php on line 10

Notice: Constant DIR_WS_IMAGES already defined in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\333\includes\configure.php on line 11

Notice: Constant DIR_WS_INCLUDES already defined in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\333\includes\configure.php on line 13



Thank you

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