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[Contribution] iOSC - mobile version of OSC on your iPhone


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Hi guys,

this is nice contrbituions is working well but have some problem with some pages. First i had "blank" pages, after small fix

error_reporting(E_ALL & E_NOTICE );


i got the problem: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mobile/includes/application_top.php:10) in /home/includes/functions/general.php on line 48

which is: <style type="text/css" media="screen"> from mobile/includes/application_top.php


Anybody knows what is wrong ? MySQL 5.0 but have old osc, so i hope is not PHP problem.


Please see it live: http://www.kacikpupila.pl/mobile_index.php and try press "KONTO - /login"


Greeings !

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PEOPLE WITH THIS MOD AND ULTIMATE SEO URL (which everybody should have...)


visitors coming from a google results page pointing to a page with a URL changed by a mod_rewrite (by any SEO url module) cannot land directly on the product page (instead they are taken to a mobile contact us page, which leads to extremely high bounce rates


http://www.my.com/seo-name-of-the-product-p-3857.html (which is what has been indexed)


does not redirect to






Try it on your site:

do a Google search for one of your products that shows up in an organic ranking page (make sure your switch to a mobile user agent)

click on the link of your product and let me know if your are properly redirected to the mobile product page.


Let me know if you have any suggestions.



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PEOPLE WITH THIS MOD AND ULTIMATE SEO URL (which everybody should have...)


visitors coming from a google results page pointing to a page with a URL changed by a mod_rewrite (by any SEO url module) cannot land directly on the product page (instead they are taken to a mobile contact us page, which leads to extremely high bounce rates


http://www.my.com/seo-name-of-the-product-p-3857.html (which is what has been indexed)


does not redirect to






Try it on your site:

do a Google search for one of your products that shows up in an organic ranking page (make sure your switch to a mobile user agent)

click on the link of your product and let me know if your are properly redirected to the mobile product page.


Let me know if you have any suggestions.






you have to install the support for ULTIMATE SEO URL which is included in iOSC 5.0 in 'aditional contributions'.

Then it will redirect correct.




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Hi guys,

this is nice contrbituions is working well but have some problem with some pages. First i had "blank" pages, after small fix


i got the problem: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mobile/includes/application_top.php:10) in /home/includes/functions/general.php on line 48

which is: <style type="text/css" media="screen"> from mobile/includes/application_top.php


Anybody knows what is wrong ? MySQL 5.0 but have old osc, so i hope is not PHP problem.


Please see it live: http://www.kacikpupila.pl/mobile_index.php and try press "KONTO - /login"


Greeings !




try this:

Edit your php.ini and set output_buffering to 4096


hope this helps


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Thanks, I did not see that there was an addon :-)


Only little issue now, my "CLASSIC VIEW" in my iosc footer doesn't redirect anymore (except from mobile_index.php) a rollover on the link shows that the additional markers mp or mc are still there, it's self linking.


Thank you for your input!

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Thanks, I did not see that there was an addon :-)


Only little issue now, my "CLASSIC VIEW" in my iosc footer doesn't redirect anymore (except from mobile_index.php) a rollover on the link shows that the additional markers mp or mc are still there, it's self linking.


Thank you for your input!


Please review your installation it should work.

Give more detailed information of the link if you can't find the solution.


Best regards


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Please review your installation it should work.

Give more detailed information of the link if you can't find the solution.



try this:

Edit your php.ini and set output_buffering to 4096


hope this helps




try this:

Edit your php.ini and set output_buffering to 4096


hope this helps



Best regards




If you use OSC 2.3: the iOSC 5.x contribution is written and tested for OSC 2.2 only.

So you may find help for this error here:





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Reviewed all installation but could not find anything missing.... :-(


Link to the mobile site:




Also, I could never the ajax to work (yes, I set AJAX_ENABLED to true in configure.php). The catalogue page is briefly displayed then refreshes to mobile_index. My ajax was working fine with the old version that was in its own directory



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Reviewed all installation but could not find anything missing.... :-(


Link to the mobile site:




Also, I could never the ajax to work (yes, I set AJAX_ENABLED to true in configure.php). The catalogue page is briefly displayed then refreshes to mobile_index. My ajax was working fine with the old version that was in its own directory





I checked your site and found that the redirect code works for all other pages which are nor related to categries and products.

So I think it has to do with the redirect code in application_top or the modifications for ULTIMATE SEO URL.

Please post your code in mobile_footer.php and the redirect code in your application_top.php file.

And check again the Installation for ULTIMATE SEO URL.

You can also download the newest version iOSC 5.1, uploaded yesterday, which includes detailed update instructions for version iOSC 4.1.


For the AJAX problem I have to recognize that I didn`t check the AJAX enabled mode because I found it not too useful for mobile devices because some may not have java script installed/enabled.

When I checked it now a little bit I found the solution for the jumping to mobile_index.php:


In: catalog/mobile/includes/classes/categories_js.php


change: FILENAME_DEFAULT to FILENAME_CATALOG in line 25 and 33


The problem is that the 'New Products' and 'Promotions' entry will not show at the top of the categories.

Also the 'show more results' link at the bottom doesn't work.


So for now you should disable AJAX and I'll see if I find a solution for this in the future and include it in the next update.


Best regards


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I checked your site and found that the redirect code works for all other pages which are nor related to categries and products.

So I think it has to do with the redirect code in application_top or the modifications for ULTIMATE SEO URL.

Please post your code in mobile_footer.php and the redirect code in your application_top.php file.

And check again the Installation for ULTIMATE SEO URL.

You can also download the newest version iOSC 5.1, uploaded yesterday, which includes detailed update instructions for version iOSC 4.1.


For the AJAX problem I have to recognize that I didn`t check the AJAX enabled mode because I found it not too useful for mobile devices because some may not have java script installed/enabled.

When I checked it now a little bit I found the solution for the jumping to mobile_index.php:


In: catalog/mobile/includes/classes/categories_js.php


change: FILENAME_DEFAULT to FILENAME_CATALOG in line 25 and 33


The problem is that the 'New Products' and 'Promotions' entry will not show at the top of the categories.

Also the 'show more results' link at the bottom doesn't work.


So for now you should disable AJAX and I'll see if I find a solution for this in the future and include it in the next update.


Best regards



Hello again,


another possible reason for the redirect error:


make shure you have included in: mobile_catalogue.php


this new code:

// set the link for classic site
$classic_site = str_replace('mobile_catalogue.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

and not the old code from mobile_products.php:

   $PCSITE = DIR_MAIN_HTTP_CATALOG . FILENAME_DEFAULT . '?' . tep_get_all_get_params();




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Can someone tell me how I can get this to work with Chemo's SEO Url's 2.2.

I have been trying to modify the USU5 add-on for iosc and having little luck but I am a novice at coding.


I would switch to USU5 if I knew it wouldn't mess with my heavily modified shop, but I have a couple contributions that I'm pretty sure it won't work with.

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OK let me clarify a little.


This worked before in previous versions where it went to mobile_product_info.php for the product information page. I don't care if it has seo urls in the mobile version of the shop, or if it sends to a mobile description from google searches. Would be nice to be totally interchangeable with seo urls 2.2, but I can live with it just being functional as a mobile site without reverting to classic view.


I just want when in category tables or search results, for it to go to a mobile display of the product info when they click on a product. Right now it goes back into classic view unless I turn seo-urls off. It didn't do this on whatever previous version of iosc I had.


The latest version seams to be the most stable, but I need to know what code to revert it so product listings come up in mobile view from mobile_catalogue.php.



Any help would be great.



The shop I am working on is here


Edited by IWAS
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footer redirect code:

if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 15) != 'mobile_checkout') {
 global $classic_site; 
   $url = $classic_site;
  else {
  $url = str_replace('mobile_', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
  $url .= (strpos($url,'?') > 0) ? '&redirectCancelled=true' : '?redirectCancelled=true';
  echo TEXT_MOBILE_VIEW . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_2 . ' | ' . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_1 . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . TEXT_CLASSIC_VIEW . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_2. '</a>';



application_top code:


   if (MOBILE_SITE=='True'){
	 $url_basename = basename($PHP_SELF);
	 if ($url_basename == 'index.php')  {
		  if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
			   if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '-c-') == FALSE) {
				    $mobile_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
				    $url_pagename = basename($PHP_SELF);
				    $mobile_site =  str_replace($url_pagename, 'mobile_' . $url_pagename, $mobile_url);
			   } else {
				    $info_box_replace = array('?infoBox=0', '?infoBox=1', '?infoBox=2', '?infoBox=3', '?infoBox=4', '?infoBox=5', '?infoBox=6', '?infoBox=7', '?infoBox=8', '?infoBox=9');
				    $url = str_replace($info_box_replace, '', ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
				    $url_category_ids = str_replace('-', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '-c-'));
				    $url_category_id = str_replace('_', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '_'));
				    $url = str_replace($url_category_ids, '', $url);
				    $mobile_site = str_replace('-c-', '-mc-', $url) . $url_category_id;
		  } else {
			   if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'cPath=') == FALSE) {
				    $mobile_site = 'mobile_index.php'; 
			   } else {
				    $info_box_replace = array('infoBox=0&', 'infoBox=1&', 'infoBox=2&', 'infoBox=3&', 'infoBox=4&', 'infoBox=5&', 'infoBox=6&', 'infoBox=7&', 'infoBox=8&', 'infoBox=9&');
				    $url = str_replace($info_box_replace, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
				    $url_category_ids = str_replace('cPath=', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 'cPath='));
				    $url_category_id = (strpos($url_category_ids,'_') > 0) ? str_replace('_', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '_')) : str_replace('cPath=', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 'cPath='));
				    $url = str_replace($url_category_ids, '', $url);
				   $mobile_site = str_replace('index.php', 'mobile_catalogue.php', $url) . $url_category_id;
		  if ($mobile_site == DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG){
			   $mobile_site .= 'mobile_index.php';

if ($url_basename == 'product_info.php') {
 if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
		   $mobile_site = str_replace('-p-', '-mp-', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'product_reviews.php') {
 if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
		   $mobile_site = str_replace('-pr-', '-mpr-', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'featured_products.php') {
		   $mobile_site = str_replace('featured_products.php', 'mobile_index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'recently_viewed.php') {
		   $mobile_site = str_replace('recently_viewed.php', 'mobile_index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
 if(isset($mobile_site)) {
  $mobile_url = $mobile_site;
 } else {
  $mobile_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  $url_pagename = basename($PHP_SELF);
  $mobile_url = str_replace($url_pagename, 'mobile_' . $url_pagename, $mobile_url);
define(DIR_MOBILE_CLASSES , 'mobile/includes/classes/');
require(DIR_MOBILE_CLASSES . 'mobile_redirect.php');
$mobileRedirect = new mobileRedirect;



also in the page modules add ons, I had to remove a parameter of the link function in all 3 files in order to make the mod to work and match the way this function is built in other page modules - they don't have it (I removed the $target_language)code, I don't think this is the issue )


//   ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $link_text ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key], $target_language_code ) );
			   ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $link_text ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key]) );


also, I added a line in my htaccess to fix the mobile_ issue:


redirect 301 /mobile_  http://www.mysite.com/mobile


whether it's there or not, the redirect still doesn't work.


Thank you for your input

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footer redirect code:

if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 15) != 'mobile_checkout') {
 global $classic_site;
$url = $classic_site;
else {
$url = str_replace('mobile_', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$url .= (strpos($url,'?') > 0) ? '&redirectCancelled=true' : '?redirectCancelled=true';
echo TEXT_MOBILE_VIEW . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_2 . ' | ' . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_1 . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . TEXT_CLASSIC_VIEW . TEXT_SHOW_VIEW_2. '</a>';



application_top code:


if (MOBILE_SITE=='True'){
	 $url_basename = basename($PHP_SELF);
	 if ($url_basename == 'index.php') {
		 if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
			 if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '-c-') == FALSE) {
				 $mobile_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
				 $url_pagename = basename($PHP_SELF);
				 $mobile_site = str_replace($url_pagename, 'mobile_' . $url_pagename, $mobile_url);
			 } else {
				 $info_box_replace = array('?infoBox=0', '?infoBox=1', '?infoBox=2', '?infoBox=3', '?infoBox=4', '?infoBox=5', '?infoBox=6', '?infoBox=7', '?infoBox=8', '?infoBox=9');
				 $url = str_replace($info_box_replace, '', ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
				 $url_category_ids = str_replace('-', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '-c-'));
				 $url_category_id = str_replace('_', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '_'));
				 $url = str_replace($url_category_ids, '', $url);
				 $mobile_site = str_replace('-c-', '-mc-', $url) . $url_category_id;
		 } else {
			 if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'cPath=') == FALSE) {
				 $mobile_site = 'mobile_index.php';
			 } else {
				 $info_box_replace = array('infoBox=0&', 'infoBox=1&', 'infoBox=2&', 'infoBox=3&', 'infoBox=4&', 'infoBox=5&', 'infoBox=6&', 'infoBox=7&', 'infoBox=8&', 'infoBox=9&');
				 $url = str_replace($info_box_replace, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
				 $url_category_ids = str_replace('cPath=', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 'cPath='));
				 $url_category_id = (strpos($url_category_ids,'_') > 0) ? str_replace('_', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , '_')) : str_replace('cPath=', '', strrchr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 'cPath='));
				 $url = str_replace($url_category_ids, '', $url);
				 $mobile_site = str_replace('index.php', 'mobile_catalogue.php', $url) . $url_category_id;
		 if ($mobile_site == DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG){
			 $mobile_site .= 'mobile_index.php';

if ($url_basename == 'product_info.php') {
if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
		 $mobile_site = str_replace('-p-', '-mp-', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'product_reviews.php') {
if (USU5_ENABLED == 'true'){
		 $mobile_site = str_replace('-pr-', '-mpr-', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'featured_products.php') {
		 $mobile_site = str_replace('featured_products.php', 'mobile_index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url_basename == 'recently_viewed.php') {
		 $mobile_site = str_replace('recently_viewed.php', 'mobile_index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if(isset($mobile_site)) {
$mobile_url = $mobile_site;
} else {
$mobile_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url_pagename = basename($PHP_SELF);
$mobile_url = str_replace($url_pagename, 'mobile_' . $url_pagename, $mobile_url);
define(DIR_MOBILE_CLASSES , 'mobile/includes/classes/');
require(DIR_MOBILE_CLASSES . 'mobile_redirect.php');
$mobileRedirect = new mobileRedirect;



also in the page modules add ons, I had to remove a parameter of the link function in all 3 files in order to make the mod to work and match the way this function is built in other page modules - they don't have it (I removed the $target_language)code, I don't think this is the issue )


// ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $link_text ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key], $target_language_code ) );
			 ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $link_text ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key]) );


also, I added a line in my htaccess to fix the mobile_ issue:


redirect 301 /mobile_ http://www.mysite.com/mobile


whether it's there or not, the redirect still doesn't work.


Thank you for your input




Then it seems you have an older version of ULTIMATE Seo Urls installed.

Please updat to: ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 ( r205 )


I wrote this at the beginning of the installation instruction:



This is for:

ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 ( r205 ) - by FWR Media



It is tested with: Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO ( r205 ) uploaded by FWR Media the 21 Mar 2011

Older versions may work, but have not been tested




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I do have r205 running, installed in in November 2011...




in my page module files (all of them, the original files as well as the 3 modified files for the mobile pages) this line reads like this:

			  ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $this->linkTextOrder( $link_text ) ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key], $target_language_code ) );


$this->linktext( $this->linkTextOrder( $link_text )

instead of:

$this->linktext( $link_text )




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in my page module files (all of them, the original files as well as the 3 modified files for the mobile pages) this line reads like this:

			 ->separateUriText( $this->linktext( $this->linkTextOrder( $link_text ) ) ), $this->dependencies[$this->key]['marker'], $this->keys_index[$this->key], $target_language_code ) );


$this->linktext( $this->linkTextOrder( $link_text )

instead of:

$this->linktext( $link_text )





Sorry not in all files, only in product_info.php and in mobile_product_info.php., so I checked and saw that in the categories the link is also wrong: mc instead of c.

Then it's not this.


I could reproduce your error for the categories when the wrong code in mobile catalogue.php is placed:


// set the link for classic site
 $classic_site = str_replace('mobile_catalogue.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);


instead of this which is necessary if you use Ultimate Seo Urls:


// set the link for classic site
if (USU5_ENABLED != 'true') {   
 $classic_site = DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . 'index.php?' . tep_get_all_get_params();
} elseif (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'mobile_catalogue.php') == TRUE) {
 $classic_site = str_replace('mobile_catalogue.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);


Sorry that I posted the standard code in a former message.


If this doesn't help I only can recomend to download the last version and review the upgrade steps for older versions (4.x) which are now included.

Or did you upload all new files and overwite your complete old version?




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OK let me clarify a little.


This worked before in previous versions where it went to mobile_product_info.php for the product information page. I don't care if it has seo urls in the mobile version of the shop, or if it sends to a mobile description from google searches. Would be nice to be totally interchangeable with seo urls 2.2, but I can live with it just being functional as a mobile site without reverting to classic view.


I just want when in category tables or search results, for it to go to a mobile display of the product info when they click on a product. Right now it goes back into classic view unless I turn seo-urls off. It didn't do this on whatever previous version of iosc I had.


The latest version seams to be the most stable, but I need to know what code to revert it so product listings come up in mobile view from mobile_catalogue.php.



Any help would be great.



The shop I am working on is here





I tried to modify seo urls 2.2 by Chemo to work with the mobile site, but it was impossible(at least for me) because there are not separate page files (like in Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO) which can be adapted for new pages, but only one script for all redirects.

So it is much more complicate and I had no success.

In any case it's not so much job to change to Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO.




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I reinstalled from scratch when I upgraded to the new IOSC (the one running in the top level directory)


and my mobile_catalogue.php code is the correct one that you posted above ...


I'm still scratching my head :-)


The footer redirects correctly when SEO URL is turned off though...

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I tried to modify seo urls 2.2 by Chemo to work with the mobile site, but it was impossible(at least for me) because there are not separate page files (like in Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO) which can be adapted for new pages, but only one script for all redirects.

So it is much more complicate and I had no success.

In any case it's not so much job to change to Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO.





I don't care if it works with seo urls 2.2, I just want it to work. If I click a category or a search or new products, it comes up in mobile just fine. If I click a product in that search it goes back to classic view because of seo 2.2.


Is there a way it can ignore seo 2.2 and just send it to mobile_product_info with an unfriendly url, while the classic view still uses seo friendly urls? It did this on one of the former versions, don't remember which one, but the checkout didn't work from mobile devices.



I would love to switch to usu5, but I have to make sure it is not going to affect other contributions that I need in the portion of the site 1st.


I may just set-up another shop on a sub-domain that accesses the same database but uses usu5 and doesn't have so many add-ons. I am finding that iosc is not working with many of my other add-ons like sppc.

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OK in catalog/includes/application_top.php I have this for SEO 2.2


// Ultimate SEO URLs v2.2d

if ((!defined(SEO_ENABLED)) || (SEO_ENABLED == 'true')) {

include_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'seo.class.php');

if ( !is_object($seo_urls) ){

$seo_urls = new SEO_URL($languages_id);





Can I add something to this that checks to see if mobile=true it ignores seo-urls?

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I reinstalled from scratch when I upgraded to the new IOSC (the one running in the top level directory)


and my mobile_catalogue.php code is the correct one that you posted above ...


I'm still scratching my head :-)


The footer redirects correctly when SEO URL is turned off though...




I try to recompile a list of files which can be envolved in this bug:











So I would ask you to send me these files (or the relevant parts of code)

to: [email protected]


I'll try these files in my test shop and see if I can find the bug.


Best regards


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OK in catalog/includes/application_top.php I have this for SEO 2.2


// Ultimate SEO URLs v2.2d

if ((!defined(SEO_ENABLED)) || (SEO_ENABLED == 'true')) {

include_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'seo.class.php');

if ( !is_object($seo_urls) ){

$seo_urls = new SEO_URL($languages_id);





Can I add something to this that checks to see if mobile=true it ignores seo-urls?

I don't care if it works with seo urls 2.2, I just want it to work. If I click a category or a search or new products, it comes up in mobile just fine. If I click a product in that search it goes back to classic view because of seo 2.2.


Is there a way it can ignore seo 2.2 and just send it to mobile_product_info with an unfriendly url, while the classic view still uses seo friendly urls? It did this on one of the former versions, don't remember which one, but the checkout didn't work from mobile devices.



I would love to switch to usu5, but I have to make sure it is not going to affect other contributions that I need in the portion of the site 1st.


I may just set-up another shop on a sub-domain that accesses the same database but uses usu5 and doesn't have so many add-ons. I am finding that iosc is not working with many of my other add-ons like sppc.



Hello Dave,


There were a lot of things which didn't work in the older version. I have not too much experience in php programming and it took me about 3 months to modify the existing version to work and a hughe amount of try and error :rolleyes: .

Then I stripped off all the additional code for the contributions I use, tested this on a virgin osc2.2 test installation and posted this as the new version 5.

I added support for some additional contributions (which I separated in the last 5.1 version in a new separate package here:


More contributions will be added there in the future when I have time to write the install instructions.

So if you use other contributions which you want's to work with iOSC, you have to add/adapt the necessary code to iOSC yourself.

Allthough it would be very apreciated if you upload your solutions to the above mentioned package.

For the Ultimate SEO URLs v2.2d issue I'm very sorry but I can't help you with this.

I don't have this version installed on my test shop, no time to do it, and not enough knowledge to give you advise from 'theory'.

Maybe someone else can help you.


sorry and best regards


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