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Specialized Contact Form


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As the contact form for osC and even the contribs available don't really do what I want it to do, I've decided to try my hand on making my own. What I did is I took catalog/privacy.php and includes/languages/english/privacy.php, downloaded them and renamed them both contact_importers.php. From there, I put in a <form> script onto the define('TEXT_INFORMATION', part of it. However, when I upload them and go to mysite.com/contact_importers.php, the page is simply blank. On catalog/contact_importers.php, I changed the information to the following:




$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_IMPORTERS));


Is this wrong? Or am I missing another part that needs to be changed? Or can you simply NOT have a <form> script in the php file?

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After a bit more tinkering, the contact_importers script is now crashing out my entire store. This isn't working at ALL! Is there a way to add a new page, a simple HTML page that can handle these sort of scripts and still be "inside" the osCommerce framework? This might be more feasable.

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It's posting properly now, thanks! But does this method allow for a <form> tag? Dreamweaver isn't displaying it properly. When just typing "test test" or something, it shows. With the form mail part on it, it becomes blank again. The form mail is actually the tectite.com one. Perhaps I have to try something different.

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