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Sunshop.pl file found on my site?


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I've just been doing some work on my site and found a file going by the name of sunshop.pl. it was residing in my images folder and appeared to be an sql injection code. Also in my images folder was a file by each of my db files. I've now removed the said file but wondered if anyone else had, had this happen and what do I need to do. I guess I have been hacked but should I be worried?

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In case your server requires open folders (777) for uploading product images, place an .htaccess file in that folder with following content:


# secure htaccess file
<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

# disable directory browsing
Options All -Indexes

# secure directory by disabling script execution
AddHandler cgi-script .php .pl .py .jsp .asp .htm .shtml .sh .cgi
Options -ExecCGI


This prevents any kind of script execution. Note: works only on Apache.

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