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Extra pages-info box w/ admin - Error: Page title required


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Looking for some help to solve this problem in Extra pages-info box w/ admin


When creating a new page or updating an old in the admin, this Error appears: Error: Page title required.

This is a new error. It worked before, and I have made no changes. It also works fine on my localhost version, on my own pc.


I can get the error to disapear and report "Success: The page has been updated." by changing (in admin/page_manager.php)

if (empty($$title_field_name)) {
	  $messageStack->add(ERROR_PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error');


if (empty($_POST[$title_field_name])) {
	  $messageStack->add(ERROR_PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error');

But that just reveals that the problem is bigger, because the only thing saved in the new page is the sort order number. The title or the text is not saved.


I imagine that the problem is to be found somewere here


	if (empty($$title_field_name)) {
	  $messageStack->add(ERROR_PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error');

	  $page_error = true;
	if (empty($pages_html_text)) {


	if ($page_error == false) {

if ($action == 'insert') {

  if($page_type == "1" || $page_type == "2")  {
 $selectquery=tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from ". TABLE_PAGES ." where page_type=\"$page_type\"");
 $exists = tep_db_fetch_array($selectquery);

	if($exists['count'] >= 1)  {
	   $updateall=tep_db_query("update ". TABLE_PAGES ." set page_type=\"3\" where page_type=\"$page_type\"");


if ($action == 'update') {

  if($page_type == "1" || $page_type == "2")  {
 $selectquery=tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from ". TABLE_PAGES ." where page_type=\"$page_type\" and pages_id != \"(int)$pages_id\"");
 $exists = tep_db_fetch_array($selectquery);

	if($exists['count'] >= 1)  {
	   $updateall=tep_db_query("update ". TABLE_PAGES ." set page_type=\"3\" where page_type=\"$page_type\"");


for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($languages); $i<$n; $i++) {


	  $sql_data_array_pages = array('sort_order' => $sort_order,
									'status' => '1',
									'page_type'   => $page_type);

	  $sql_data_array_pages_description = array('pages_title' => $$pages_titlem,
												'pages_html_text' => $$pages_html_textm,
												'intorext'   => $$intorextm,
												'externallink' => $$externallinkm,
												'link_target' => $$link_targetm);

	 if ($action == 'insert') {


	 if ($i == 0)  {

		tep_db_perform(TABLE_PAGES, $sql_data_array_pages);

		$pages_id = tep_db_insert_id();


		$pageid_merge= array('pages_id' => $pages_id,
							 'language_id' => $languages[$i]['id']);

		$sql_data_array_pages_desc = array_merge($sql_data_array_pages_description, $pageid_merge);

		tep_db_perform(TABLE_PAGES_DESCRIPTION, $sql_data_array_pages_desc);

		$messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_PAGE_INSERTED, 'success');

	  } elseif ($action == 'update') {

	  if ($i == 0)  {
		tep_db_perform(TABLE_PAGES, $sql_data_array_pages, 'update', "pages_id = '" . (int)$pages_id . "'");

	  $selectexists=tep_db_query("select count( * ) as `countrecords` from `".TABLE_PAGES_DESCRIPTION."` where pages_id='" . (int)$pages_id . "' and language_id='".$languages[$i]['id']."'");
	  $recordexists = tep_db_fetch_array($selectexists);

	  if($recordexists['countrecords'] >= 1 )  {
	  tep_db_perform(TABLE_PAGES_DESCRIPTION, $sql_data_array_pages_description, 'update', "pages_id = '" . (int)$pages_id . "' and language_id='".$languages[$i]['id']."'");
	  else  {

			$pageid_merge= array('pages_id' => $pages_id,
		   'language_id' => $languages[$i]['id']);

	  $sql_data_array_pages_desc = array_merge($sql_data_array_pages_description, $pageid_merge);
	  tep_db_perform(TABLE_PAGES_DESCRIPTION, $sql_data_array_pages_desc);

	   $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_PAGE_UPDATED, 'success');




hoping for some help



Edited by Jan Zonjee
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:)Solution to "Error: Page title required." problem


I hope the fight is over now

First change

if (empty($$title_field_name)) {
	  $messageStack->add(ERROR_PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error');


if (empty($_POST[$title_field_name])) {
	  $messageStack->add(ERROR_PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error');

Then change

$sql_data_array_pages = array('sort_order' => $sort_order,
									'status' => '1',
									'page_type'   => $page_type);

	  $sql_data_array_pages_description = array('pages_title' => $$pages_titlem,
												'pages_html_text' => $$pages_html_textm,
												'intorext'   => $$intorextm,
												'externallink' => $$externallinkm,
												'link_target' => $$link_targetm);


$sql_data_array_pages = array('sort_order' => $_POST[sort_order],
									'status' => '1',
									'page_type'   => $_POST[page_type]);

	  $sql_data_array_pages_description = array('pages_title' => $_POST[$pages_titlem],
												'pages_html_text' => $_POST[$pages_html_textm],
												'intorext'   => $_POST[$intorextm],
												'externallink' => $_POST[$externallinkm],
												'link_target' => $_POST[$link_targetm]);

The trick was to get the $_POST tag in there where it was needed



Moske Nogavice


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