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The e-commerce.

Price is 0 - why ?


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I've installed os commerce... and finally it works


but even if i put all prices correctly .. oscommerce show 0

to all products....


i've searched on the manual answer for this.. but i did not find anything


someone can help me ?

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I had this problem early on (about three days ago) - it may be to do with the default currency if you have changed it or added or deleted some currencies.


In catalog/includes/languages/english.php find the following line:




It is line 36 in my copy of english.php. It may have a differrent currency code for you - mine is set at GBP. Change this to the code of your default currency - as set in the admin currencies section. See if that fixes it.

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Glad you sorted it


In case any of you make the same mistake I subsequently made:


You NEED a default currency set - I forgot and ended up with no prices showing in admin - took me a few hours to work it out with some help from Kim on this board.


Good luck

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