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Price Changed!


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I priced one item at 14.95. I test purchased it with the credit card 41111111111111 and it was successful. However the price that is shown has changed. Seem the item is showing the subtotal value rather than the price offered value.


When I go to purchase it again, it shows the price of the item 16.03, subtotal, 16.03, tax 1.08, shipping 5.00, and the total purchase 21.03. What happened?

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Well, I guess it didn't change. I have messed with a ton of settings and no matter what, the price of the product is the price plus tax. How can I change this so the prices of each product are not shown including tax?


Please help! 8)

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Check your /catalog/includes/application_top.php file for this line and check to see if it is set to true or false.

define('DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX', false); // Display prices with tax (true) or without tax (false)

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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You're a stud! Thanks!


I thought the admin control panel edited all that stuff. Are you telling me that I need to go through all those settings also? :x

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