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Please Help!


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Hello Everyone...

I recently had my site optimized (approx. 2 month ago)...still with very little hits, mostly from Google, about 20 hits a day. Maybe 1 hit a week from Yahoo and about 4 a day with MSN. Can anyone evaluate my site and offer suggestions. This is what I have had done:

All my pics with alt tags (maybe I over did them?)

Individually set my product tags.

Installed Header Tags SEO

This is my settings:


You can view my site at click here

Please, any help is appreciated.



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What purpose does the line "Welcome Guest" serve.


THe main categories line seems to be duplicated in some of the buttons in the rowbelow.


Text changes font and colour all over the place. I looks dijointed.


Images are nice.

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What purpose does the line "Welcome Guest" serve.


THe main categories line seems to be duplicated in some of the buttons in the rowbelow.


Text changes font and colour all over the place. I looks dijointed.


Images are nice.


Hi Geoffrey,

Thanks for the reply..

The welcome guest is used for logging in. Should i remove?

Should I eliminate the drop down menu's or the main categories. I did this to try and make it user friendly.

Some of font is directly on the page but most of it is coming from css.



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I can't log in or create an account form that line.


If you delete the main categories can you still get to everything you want to sell easily


If you think it will look better if there is a common text "theme" then it will take some work but if it is all controlled from css..... one change change all

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  • 3 weeks later...

when you say that you had your site optimized, what exactly was done?


I see that Ultimate SEO URLs is installed, but what about all products? Google sitemap? product feeds for Google Base / yahoo / bizrate / shopping.com ?


What type of site marketing have you done to your target market?



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Hello Jared,

Thanks for asking...

I had this SEO installed located at http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5851 and a site map. I have not done product feeds, can you guide me in the right direction? I have had several people tell me not use pay per click unless I wanted to go bankrupt. The only marketing I'm doing at this time is engine seekers top ten. Any help is appreciated.




when you say that you had your site optimized, what exactly was done?


I see that Ultimate SEO URLs is installed, but what about all products? Google sitemap? product feeds for Google Base / yahoo / bizrate / shopping.com ?


What type of site marketing have you done to your target market?



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How do I download the data from oscommerce? so i can apply it to the feeds...



just search the add-ons area for "feed" or "feeds". Also look at the SEO ebook (no affiliation) at oscbooks.com. I highly recommend it.
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The feeds generally work like this (after you install them, of course):

1) run sql queries to get your product information

2) put the product information in a text file on your server

3) upload the file to Yahoo, Google Base, BizRate, etc (depending on who the feed is for) via FTP


Of course you have to edit the file to put in your the feed credentials you get from Google / Yahoo, BizRate, etc, as well as the FTP credentials they give you.


When you are confident that the feed has been accepted, then you can uncomment the FTP code at the bottom of the yahoo.php, bizrate.php, etc.


FWIW, this information is generally all in the readme of the contribution. Either you found one of them, downloaded it, and read it the readme in 7 minutes, you are missing valuable information that was already yours for a minimal amount of effort.



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How do I download the data from oscommerce? so i can apply it to the feeds...

It's pretty simple. Just find the contribution you want to use (make sure it's the full package and not just an update first) then click on the download button 16x16_download.gif


After that you need to install the files, and if you've played around with any of the files before you'll need to add code into the existing files so that you don't screw up the stuff that already works on your site.

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Thanks for the info...I'll give this a try.



It's pretty simple. Just find the contribution you want to use (make sure it's the full package and not just an update first) then click on the download button 16x16_download.gif


After that you need to install the files, and if you've played around with any of the files before you'll need to add code into the existing files so that you don't screw up the stuff that already works on your site.

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