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The e-commerce.

oscommerce with eclipse


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im trying to run the oscommerce source code in my eclipse development environment. i was wondering if anyone ha imported the code and got it running on their server? i want to develop the site locally using eclipse, but when i import the source code it doesnt seem to be in a format i can deploy to my tomcat server.


i have installed a php plugin for my eclipe, so i can create a php project. does anyone know how i can deploy this?

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I'm using Eclips with the PHP plugin, but I don't have Tomcat, so this could be off a bit. First load the osCommerce code into your server's root. Then use a browser to view the index page and go through the setup. When osCommerce is running properly on your server, create an Eclipse PHP project in the server root directory. You may need to set the Eclipse default directory to the server's root directory first. That should be all you need to get started.




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