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This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. How to fix?


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We own: http://www.nascarshopnow.com/ During the checkout process we encounter that warning. If you type https://www.nascarshopnow.com/ you get the warning right on the homepage as well. I checked column_left and column_right as well as header and footer.php. I found one background image that was referenced to just the http:// (without the s) and I changed that and it worked. I also found that our Chase logo needed to have the httpS as well. Now that I've found the two obvious ones, I have no idea what to do.


Is there a way to get a report for which items are being considred "non-secure"?


Thanks in advance for your help.



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<right-click> "View source".


Search for src="http:




<img src="http://nascarshopnow.com/catalog/images/infobox/corner_left.gif" alt="asd" border="0" width="11" height="14" /></td>
<img src="http://nascarshopnow.com/catalog/images/infobox/corner_right_left.gif" alt="asd" border="0" width="11" height="14" /></td>

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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