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My prices don´t appear in my descriptions


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Problem is the code with IE, in Firefox it works fine.


I'm not certain as to why, but I hope that helps.

Here is the source code IE is trying to display. (Cut to the part where the price should be)

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                           <td style="vertical-align:middle; height:28px;"><table width="50%">
                                 <!-- <td width="472" height="33"><em>Cold Aid</em></td>
                                 <td width="474"><em><span class="productSpecialPrice">
                                   $17.60                                    </span></em></td> -->
								<!-- //BOF added by enSys (ravi) Friday, October 31, 2008 -->
																	<td valign="top"><h1>Cold Aid</h1></td>
								<td align="right" valign="top"><h1>$17.60</h1></td>
																	<!-- //EOf end by enSys (ravi) Friday, October 31, F008 -->
                             <em><span class="productSpecialPrice"> </span></em></td>

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Sorry I don't understand the differences in IE and Firefox to give you any other answer.


All I know is that IE is more picky about how it displays things. Firefox is a much better at sorting through extra not needed code.


Hopefully somebody else will be able to help.


Good luck

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