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The e-commerce.

Uploading Images


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Hi everyone


Just started using oscommerce so I'd appreciate some help here. I've just tried uploading a couple of new products and as I put in the images, I assumed that oscommerce would show the image as a thumbnail, and then as the full sized image when someone clicks on the "Click to enlarge" button, however that was not the case. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there another way of doing this?


Thank you for the help!


P.S. if you want to visualize what I am talking about, Visit My Website and click on Necklaces and Pendants.

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i am able to see your images in the necklaces and pendants but they are large images, i think you should set the thumbnail settings in your admin panel under configuration under images


small image width, i have set as 75


small image height i have left blank


i have something called calculate image size, which i have set true


hope this helps


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Look thru this thread: click me


I helped someone with the same template work thru a few issues.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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