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The e-commerce.

Purchase Decision Steps


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I would like to know from those of you who have more experience (i.e. are running a profitable online store), what in your opinion makes for a successful online store. What are the killer criteria (beyond the products) that ANY store must meet?


Examples of stores that you consider to be good (i.e. do more then take up webspace) are welcome!


I'll kick it off by listing in order the key criteria in my opinion.


purchase DECISION process steps:

page loads quickly --> yes/no?

arrive at page (snap judgment) --> attractive/trustworthy? yes/no?

site contains what i'm looking for? --> yes/no?

search site for desired product --> found product --> yes/no?

product intersting --> yes/no?

check price --> price ok?

how do i order?

order process (is it worth it to go through for the product?)

register (done on autopilot unless friction occurrs)

see final cost (last resistance point)






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Your steps seem logical, I'm surprised nobody has responded. I work with a human factors engineer and we went over the basics of my site, pretty much the way you have things listed here.


I appreciate all the help that everyone on this site has given me!

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