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The e-commerce.

Charge Fees in % per Dollar value


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After searching through many many pages, I have yet to find my solution, maybe you have one:


I am currently using Table rate Shipping.


I would like to have a seperate line during checkout showing me a handling fee that conforms to the following:


1: (products costs: $0 - $50) => 32% (of the total)


2: (products costs: $51 - $100) 16% (of the total)


3: (products costs: $101 - $150) 12.5% (of the total)


4: (products costs: $151- $200) 10% (of the total)


5: (products costs:>$200) 5% (of the total)


Any suggestions?

Edited by SHEPJ
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Ultra simple to Make your own shipping modules. Dig in the code and you should be able to get it working.


Certainly not more than 15 minutes work I'd have thought.


That is assuming you know php....... I don't

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Funny thing is, overnight I actually coded this up and was going to make a blog post explaining how to do it. Now, I just can't be bothered to help you. That is truly nothing.


hahahaha - what an expected response. Cheers Mate!

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SHEPJ, considering that your only other option was to submit a feature request to the osCommerce team and wait ages until it would be implemented or rejected, the two options that burt suggested were quite reasonable. You can't really expect somebody just make a mod personally for you in their spare time.


I just wish that the osCommerce team would put a notice about programming knowledge being required for proper installation of a shop. PHP is not that hard to learn and it would eliminate at least some of the stupid forum posts.

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