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New Installation wont continue!


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I first installed it with a plesk application package and it worked great! Of course I wanted to spice it up with a kick ass template - so I uninstalled the application package, created an empty database and uploaded my new version - did all this prep:

Make sure that the permissions on all of the folders are set to 755, and if that does not work then set them to 777. Make sure that the includes/configure.php file and the admin/includes/configure.php file are set to 777 for the duration of the install.


i ran into an error with turning on register globals and turnedthem on in the .htaccess file in /catalog/ "php_value register_globals 1" then noticed there was one in the admin folder as well and i changed that.




I chmod all the folders to 777




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So you are halted at install with the error you quote? I am a little confused?


The new installer is great, but if you're using a template it's likely a few versions behind.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

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So you are halted at install with the error you quote? I am a little confused?


The new installer is great, but if you're using a template it's likely a few versions behind.





I appologize. I did run into those errors and got around them. I actually get stuck on the "..customize the new installation.." screen.


I click Continue, see Transferring status, something happens.... and then Done. I can't move beyond this page. Perhaps it is just an older buggy installer? I actually downloaded a free template one of these so I could give it a test run before me or my clients invest.


I actually just stumbled onto osCommerce as it was preloaded on my server and love it, just realizing however that the merchant and template are one! Should be fun creating these down the line



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