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Flash Banner In OSCOMMERCE


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Hi i just made a website in oscommerce and i put in the header a swf banner , but when i press a button in the flash i noticed that when i type "http://www.graphiktech.com/fruitdelicious" the flash banner works but if i go "http://graphiktech.com/fruitdelicious" without the www. the flash banner for some reason stop working , also imoved the whole website to another server www.fruitdeliciouspr.com/store" and in that server the flash banner dont work at all not even with the www. and also i noticed that there are some text missing ...


in this screen shot i made uploading the website to a totally diferent web server "bluehost "you can see that the "ñ" are missing and the rest of the text before the missing letter, also in this webserver my flash banner doesnt work at all





In this screen shot you can see that the text is showing (i am using mediatemple as my web server) but there are still problems with the flash banner if i go using http://mydomain.com


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http://www.graphiktech.com/fruitdelicious and http://graphiktech.com/fruitdelicious work perfectly for me ... your flash banner AND text are displaying fine here - tested in both FF3 and IE7


i think you dont understand the topic <_< , in graphiktech.com everithing is display but the buttons dont work , and there are 2 diferents servers www.graphiktech.com/fruitdelicious and fruitdeliciouspr.com/store and in fruitdeliciouspr.com/store the buttons on the flash banner dont work and some text are missing

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