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The e-commerce.

os commerce is going the wrong way!


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Good evening,


Would there be someone out there that may be able to help me with this.


Here is the scenario.

I dedice to buy some items without having been logged in yet.

next-> decide that I want to go to the checkout...

at this point, i am directed to log in. Which is great and everything is running fine till now.


After logging in, (as an all ready registered user) I am directed to the very first page you would see as if you just visited the site.

This part is wrong and is not working correctly,

It should be directing me to the checkout.


Can anyone shed some light on what file could possibly be corrupted


Thank you,


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Nothing "corrupted".


"Out of the box" osC is coded to do that.


There is a contribution called "Login and return to same page".


It worked for me, but others I've suggested it to say it doesn't work. Not all, just some.


Maybe they didn't install it correctly.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I'll check into that...


I have a test store that I try everything on first before modding my good site,, and it works just fine,,

I think at some point I put a contrib on maybe incorrectly or something to screw it up.


Thanks again


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