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Accidentally deleted the removal fantastico file for oscommerce


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I added oscommerce from the fantastico page. I was trying to remove it so i could readd it. and when i removed it i accidentally removed the fantastico file that uninstalls it. So now I cant readd oscommerce because it still says that i have a script on the domain which i am trying to add it to. So how can I fully remove oscommerce and reinstall it. without the removal file? please help

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I added oscommerce from the fantastico page. I was trying to remove it so i could readd it. and when i removed it i accidentally removed the fantastico file that uninstalls it. So now I cant readd oscommerce because it still says that i have a script on the domain which i am trying to add it to. So how can I fully remove oscommerce and reinstall it. without the removal file? please help


First off, I would strongly suggest NOT using the fantastico installer to install osCommerce. OSC is very simple to install and you will benefit from not having the added garbage code that Fantastico has integrated into the stock osC code (buy safe, etc.).


With that said, if you want to get rid of the nagging upgrade option in your Cpanel - Fantastico account, then you can remove the appropriate data on the original Fantastico install from /home/USERNAME/.fantasticodata/OS_Commerce so Fantastico no longer offers to upgrade that script. Just by removing the reference txt file for that particular osCommerce installation will remove the nagging update message in Cpanel.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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Thank your for your help, but when I tried to do what you said it didnt work. I use blue voda as my server and i installed from the fantastico menu the oscommerce. and than I uninstalled it and when i tried to reinstall it i said i couldnt reinstall because i already had the script running on that domain, but i thought i had deleted it, so what can i do. because i bought a template and i need oscommerce to use it.

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