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Downloading Orders / Tax Application / Shipto Address / CCV#


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I hope I'm posting to the appropriate forum.


I have numerous issues I need to deal with, and I am making progress on a number of fronts, but the following have me stumped at the moment.


I had thought that I could configure the program to send me copies of my orders via email which contained complete information, as I process my orders offline, but apparently this is not the case.


I noted that the complete order details are separated into customer info and order info, the common thread appearing to be order_id or something.


Does anyone know of a way to tie these together for download using an SQL statement?. I want to be able to batch processs my orders offline in PC Authorize and Quattro Pro and/or Mailware.


I would imagine this is pretty common, but I have been unable to find mod which addresses this.


I also notice that tax appears to be applied to all orders, when they should only be applied to orders shipping to New York. I could swear I have set it up right, but apparently not. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


I couldn't find a mod for this either, is there a checkout address form which also has a separate ship to address?


Lastly, is there a mod which has a checkout form which includes the above along with a CCV number field?


Your help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.


BTW, great work everyone. This really apears to be an extremely robust program and a great supportive community.

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