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The e-commerce.

Search function is VERY slow, any tips?


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Hello fellow OScommercers,


We are running an webshop using Oscommerce, 10.920 products added.

Generelly the site loads OK fast (Current Parse Time: 0.178 s with 23 queries).


But when we use the "search" function, the reaction time is incredibly slow (Current Parse Time: 11.366 s with 37 queries).

With these 2 commands taking the time:


Query executed:

[9] => select count(distinct p.products_id) as total from products p left join manufacturers m using(manufacturers_id) left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id, products_description pd, categories c, products_to_categories p2c where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '4' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and ((pd.products_name like '%passat%' or p.products_model like '%passat%' or m.manufacturers_name like '%passat%') )

[11] => select distinct p.products_image, m.manufacturers_id, p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products p left join manufacturers m using(manufacturers_id) left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id, products_description pd, categories c, products_to_categories p2c where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '4' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and ((pd.products_name like '%passat%' or p.products_model like '%passat%' or m.manufacturers_name like '%passat%') ) order by pd.products_name limit 0, 20


Query load time:

[9] => 5.291059

[11] => 5.473820


It would some kinda logical since its the "queries" doing the search (counting and finding the products) - but there gotta be something wrong with our site?


Any tips/ideas if this is normal/a configuration error/server problem??


All help is appreciated!




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