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register global of php.ini and .htaccess on apache error


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I then installed the apache xampp version 1.7 for windows

and copy all my files back to the /htdocs/Public/adex-hk


However, even i go to search all the files of php.ini and change to register_globals = On

It still get the error as follows:





FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!






Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration.

This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in

your catalog directory.



Please help


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I had same error ensure you upload in "ASCII" not "BINARY" this sorted my prob maybe different for you im still a newb myself but when i re uploaded oSC in ASCII it worked spot on no probs at all.



i only uploaded the Admin file to the HTDOCS folder then your store url will be www.your-domain.com rather than www.your-domain.com/something/admin etc.


hope this helps dont take it has gospel i maybe wrong im no pro lol but experts will reply

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