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Customer Greeting Name


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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if anyone know how to get the customer name from the database and display.


Example I have a pop up window that greet the customer by name.


I am looking at the index.php and It is calling tep_customer_greeting but I could find that function anywhere.


Can someone please give me some advise I'll Appreciated..



Vi Huynh

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I have the following referenced in my /includes/header.php file. It displays the customer name after they sign in. The snippet below places the greeting in between the store logo and the account info box...modify and place where you want it. There is a css class for "smallText" defined as well in the stylesheet.

<td width="22%" class="smallText"><?php echo ucfirst(strtolower(tep_customer_greeting())); ?>


The tep_customer_greeting function can be found in /includes/functions/general.php ... I have the ucfirst(strtolower()) function to provide better formatting of the customer name, since they frequently will input their names in all lower or all upper case.

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