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Manual osCommerce installation - sql failure


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New osCommerce installation - and I am doing things manually.


Installed PHP 5.2.8 under IIS on Windows XP

Running mySQL 5.1.30


I created the tablespace using:


mysqladmin –u root –pmysqlpw create osCStore


And I can see the tablespace.


Yet, when I run the following at a command prompt, I get an error:


mysql –u root –pxyzzy myoscstore < C:\osC\oscommerce-2.2ms2-060817\catalog\install\oscommerce.sql


ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 23: Can't create table 'oscstore.address_book' (errno: 121)


The code around line 23 is:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS address_book;
CREATE TABLE address_book (
  address_book_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
  customers_id int NOT NULL,
  entry_gender char(1) NOT NULL,
  entry_company varchar(32),
  entry_firstname varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  entry_lastname varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  entry_street_address varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  entry_suburb varchar(32),
  entry_postcode varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  entry_city varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  entry_state varchar(32),
  entry_country_id int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
  entry_zone_id int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (address_book_id),
  KEY idx_address_book_customers_id (customers_id)

I've searched through these forums and cannot seem to find a match.


I know that this has worked in other installations in the past. I must be missing something obvious.


Does anyone have any suggestions?





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Have you previously created a database with the same name? Also, it that's really osCommerce 2.2MS2, you may have problems with mySQL 5.x. Try using the SQL form 2.2RC2a.




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Thanks for making me take another look. I was copying and pasting from a Word document I had written some time ago - and (smacks head in disbelief) forgot to change the password for the userID.


Problem's solved! Now, onto the coding...



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