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The e-commerce.

Simple question about moving the categories.


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I'm in the process of developing a shop front for someone.


They've asked me if its possible to delete the Product Categories on the index page and replace them with links to other parts of the site, but keep the other features, such as Login/Register/Checkout and Basket contents. I'd then create another index.php (with another name) which includes the Product categories.


The question Ive got, is could someone please tell me which file and code I'd need to delete, and is it possible to do what my friend is asking?



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You want to have the landing page look EXACTLY like the rest of the oscommerce site, but you do not want to have categories on the landing page? Then from that landing page, the visitor would click on a link like GO TO THE STORE and it would take you to a similar page, but will have the categories box?


You can do one of two things.. The way "in my NON CODER mind" to do this would be to do the following.



Create an index2.php. this will be the SECOND index page. Leave that as is, since you want the categories to be there.


Then go to catalog/includes/column_left.php and create duplicate of that and call it column_left2.php


Open column_left2.php and remove the categories box code and insert the information box code (there is an information box already created if you want to use that one)


Then go to the index.php and find the include(column_left.php); and change to include(column_left2.php);


That would be my super simple way of doing it.. AND i did not test it, just kinda thought about it.. SO backup before you do it.


The other way to do it would to create an if/else statement where it says IF you are on this index page, show this box, else show this other box.

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


HOWEVER, you can visit my blog (go to my profile to see it) and post a question there, i will find time to get back and answer you


Proud Memeber of the CODE BREAKERS CLUB!!

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