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Image Adjustments help


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OK so ive been messing around in admin config images i know it allows you to change the height and width but still some of my images are are compact kinda squished in the box. right now i have the settings to 100x160 and i would like to keep my images this size is there anything i can do to make my images fit to my dimensions so they wont look so compact? I appreciate anyone who helps.

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yes, when you create your images, make the the same size that you want to display them as.

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Lindsay has the best answer but an alternative is to set one of the dimensions to blank in the shop admin.

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if you set it to blank, you images will not be 100x160 though. They will be proportionate to what you created them to be, so if you have a 300x300 image, and you set your height to 100 and width to null (not 0 but nothing) then when you go look at it, you picture will not be 100x160 but it will end up being 100x100


It will only work the EXACT way you want it (to have all images be 100x160 if you create images that are the same size, or the same proportion ie: 200x320 - but then you are squeezing a large image into a smaller holder and thats not idea.

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


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