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The e-commerce.

Only the tables I want on the home page


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I am trying to put a banner - large image - and some text on my home page - and I'm running into some difficulty.


Under modules/new_products - I changed the file to display the banner - large image- and text in tables - and everything shows up just how I want it.


My problem is - now if you click on any of the categories or sub categories on the left - the banner - large image and text just gets pushed down below the category images. When you click on the categories - I want the program to just do it's thing and list the category images and not my home page content.


I was trying to make a module page called "Home" - then on the main index file - change the far right php direct to point to it - and it won't work.

I think I need to add the "Home" command line somewhere else to make this function.


Any suggestions on how to have a module that I can just add promo items to tables and they will only show up on the home page? :huh:

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Any suggestions on how to have a module that I can just add promo items to tables and they will only show up on the home page? :huh:


In the 'catalog/index.php' page look for something like this

 } else { // default page


What ever added under this will be shown in the home page only. I have done mine sometimes back.

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